Sunday, March 1, 2009

Since Situations Come Full Circle...

I had to handle my first degree with care
considering the impact I would make once I got to 360

As tempting as it was to proceed without caution...
I knew each action would follow until the closure of my sphere
There was no option to retract...
or ability to change its form
Inevitably, I had to lay my own circular path...
with each degree cemented behind me

thoughts of being reckless consumed me
My selfishness encouraged me to manipulate 90 degrees of reality

75% of the right thing had to overshadow 25% wrong...

one degree could not dilute the next...
each were equal in weight
and would equally impact me as a whole


  1. what a frustrating and damaging thing impulse can be in the midst of circumstance. because really...aren't we always in the midst of one circumstance or another? why must it be so appealing? why must we feel so taken by it? to master seeing the full circle is a true skill and talent that must be practiced. seems like you're there Yoli. i believe youre many steps ahead of the majority. wonderful piece.

  2. Those 360 degrees can be a beast if you act on that first degree without thoughts of repercussions of next...that first impulse is so tempting...what if people actually lived life practicing the "golden rule" and believing in karma???
