Friday, March 6, 2009

I Had the Audacity...

to leave my bullshit at the door
and to love you without repetition of my past
I can't do anything else but laugh
at my nerve
knowing it could not have been done any other way

My pride transformed in a raging whisper
I am not ashamed to reveal my affection
Echos of yesterday are merely a reflection
of who I will never be again...
I am proud to love you

I do love you
and more than tears
I have shed years
of conditioning that I do not regret
I stand here now with reason

I made the decision to feel
outside of my mind
embracing the anchors of strength aligned down my spine
holding me in the right place...

1 comment:

  1. "embracing the anchors of strength aligned down my spine." wow. one of the most beautiful lines i've ever read. love the relocation of the word "audacity" and how i feel disconnected throughout this piece only to "finally" come to a place of understanding at the end. how amazing that interpretation can align so closely with the words themselves. that, to me, is the sign of a truly talented writer. wow, exceptional Yoli!
