Monday, May 18, 2009

I Am Blank...

stuck in a warped feeling of none
at ease with the in's and out's
without passion
It's dry and I'm thirsty
taunted by the wasted moisture
dripping on the outside of my glass
I'm blank
listening to reoccurring echos of static
begging love to provoke me
for hurt to hold me
long enough to feel...
Instead, I'm looking for myself on old pages
words that became my emotions
and escaped through my pen
never to be felt so deeply again
I'm blank


  1. i posted something on my blog that was inspired by your writers block before i even saw this post....brilliant!!:) i love this Yoli....your own blocks and barriers found a beautiful way to describe themselves through this. beautiful!

  2. if this is what comes out of you when you have writers block...then, watch out! It was an amazing and beautiful way to describe the angst within you needing to feel inspired to write. Loved it!

  3. Mollikins & EB73...
    I can't do anything else but smile at the idea of my block being inspiring and actually becoming a piece of its own. Thanks for sharing!
