Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Have I Felt This Before...

Deja vu that lingers too long
I'm weak...
I'm strong...
I have to move on?
Self assessing
through love like interaction
unlike love
as defined by me?
Was it defined by you
and them?
Did I repeat myself?
Recycled emotion
with regurgitated description?
It felt good...
then it hurt...
and now I'm brand new?
New in the form of replication?
Love in minuscule upgrade...
101, 101.1, 101.2?
Do I need a tongue that is foreign...
eyes not yet open...
a heart whole and empty?
Reset me?
Did I say this already?
Purge these words
and mean them then
as I will later?
Go with the flow...
I'm open...
I'm closed?
Has my heart gone green?
These thoughts and feelings
just cycle and recycle...
Is love lacking luster?
I'm flustered
and back again


  1. I love this write! Very well spoken and understood!

  2. Thank you...I really appreciate that!
