Friday, June 27, 2014


poetry is the movement of time...
the experience within the experience...
poetry is love and life...
the poet, merely a translating observer
Yolanda Williams

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Levels of Attraction

Recent events have led me to examine our levels of attraction. There are many levels; the key is to honor each one. With this in mind, I began to ask myself these questions: What makes us want? What triggers our desire? At what level of attraction do we respond? What are we missing when we bypass or fail to incorporate each level?

Before we go any further, I want you to consider an object of your desire and determine which of the following levels you are attracted on, or what your initial attraction was:  

Level I – Physical/Material: One or all of our five senses draw us in.
We are mesmerized by what we see. Beauty, as we perceive it, commonly triggers an attraction. We want to look at and admire the person or thing. The very sight of our attraction makes us feel good, and sometimes we want to be seen in the same light as what we perceive as beauty, as we translate it into a reflection of us.
We are hypnotized by scent. The sense of smell draws us in and lingers with us most of all. A scent can make you want to be close, want to taste, or want to touch. Even after our first encounter of a particular scent, we may find ourselves within its grasp again, revisiting the initial sensation it triggered. For instance, have you ever smelled someone’s perfume or cologne when they were not around, but the scent caused you to smile in thought of them? Scent is powerful. Even the scents we are not consciously aware of, such as pheromones.
We are seduced by sound. Have you heard the saying, “…is like music to my ears”? Sound is captivating. Whether it’s music, or the sound of someone’s voice, what we hear can offer comfort and/or trigger desire. Sound has an impact on our moods and what we feel, physically. We are attracted to certain vibrations.
We are indulged by taste. Some things in life are so delicious, leaving us wanting more! There are pleasurable sensations throughout our being when our taste buds are aroused.
We are satisfied by touch. Whether we are giving or receiving, touch can be magical, and often leaves us in want. Touch is not limited to hands, we touch in many ways, and each way can lead to desire.  

Level II – Emotional: Our heart guides us, allowing us to honor what we feel in our attraction.

Level III – Soul/Core: Our inner-voice interjects, integrating our needs with our want.  

Level IV – Spiritual: We connect with ourselves, on all levels, understanding our TRUE connection with our attraction.

The physical/material level is all about self. When we are attracted on this first level, and remain there, we are in the realm of superficial desire. This often leads to disappointment when our rose-colored glasses fade to neutral.

On the other hand, the remaining three levels connect us to our attraction, deeper within AND outside of ourselves. This is where we can experience attraction, full-bodied. But does this really matter to us?

I recently found myself in upset over an attraction, which was strictly level one. In this space, I created expectations without being honest with myself. I didn’t acknowledge where I was in the attraction sphere. Once I stepped back, into the role of neutral observer, I was able to accept the truth that I didn’t want to face; I was being shallow. The foundation of my attraction was weak because I wasn’t interested in going beyond the physical/material. Even more, I built a story on top of this fragile base, only to find my delusion fragmented. I was checked by reality – healthy attraction is deeper than the eyes can see. Fortunately, I was able to recognize this lesson, as it opened my eyes to what I truly desire. It also acted as a wake-up call, reminding me that the outcome of our attraction will only go as deep as the level through which we experience it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Recently, I have been thinking about the phases of life, the cycles of relationships within those phases, and how we are affected by all of it.

I guess I’m at an age where major shifts happen in regards to relationships and life itself. The most jarring of these apparent shifts is being at this age where friends are losing their parents (physically). It makes me stop and give thanks…and wonder…and changes my perception of life as a whole. In fact, I used to question if I would need to care for my mother one day, and the thought alone used to cause me to feel stress and worry. Now I hope to have the opportunity.

Then of course, there are the “romantic” relationships that have come in waves, only to wash up on empty shores and recede despite our efforts. No matter how much we fight for it, some parts of today will not reach tomorrow…and that can be a tough pill to swallow, but we do. Think about it; how many times have you been a part of a relationship that ended with a broken heart (yours, theirs, or both)? Do you walk away only clinging to the painful ending, or are you able to remember the good that made you fall in love in the first place? There was probably something that you can give thanks for, even if it’s thanks for being strong enough to let go.

I also find it fascinating how certain people are key to our early development, and no matter how close you were in the process, you can become strangers over the years. Or on the other hand, there are the friendships that cannot be touched or phased by distance and time. No matter how much reason has replaced communication, there are some friendships that linger in silence and always pick up where you left off.

In most of these events and relationships, there is growth through love and heartache. At the end of the day, the appreciation we show for the shared experiences is what makes our connections rich and everlasting. I believe that if we simply acknowledge to ourselves how someone has impacted our life, or how their very presence made a difference in who we are, we energize love and gratitude that will forever radiate throughout the universe.

We dance in and out of each other’s lives. We hold on and let go, whether knowingly or unwillingly. We are a part of one journey, broken in to individualized journeys…fortunate that paths weave in and out of each other. We impact, influence, guide, and redirect each other. The perception we hold, positive or negative, is completely up to us. But can you agree that it would better serve us to see the beauty in endings? Why would we choose to allow the beauty of our experiences slip away, by holding on to the less than beautiful aspects? Love lingers.

Moving forward, what elements will you leave imprinted in the lives you touch? Which imprints have others left in you that leave you standing in gratitude? Touch lovingly and all will end in love.

Friday, November 25, 2011


There is no substitution
for your touch
can simulate your kiss
eyes closed
looking for remnants of
slight accuracy
but only you
will suffice

No hay sustitución
para su contacto
puede simular tu beso
los ojos cerrados
en busca de restos de
exactitud ligera
pero sólo ti
que será suficiente

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It Feels...

in this shared
I shine
as you shine
pure joy
it feels
we radiate
attuned to
the natural
state of

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sit with Yourself...

…not necessarily in standard meditation, but it’s something to try.

We pick up a lot of things on the road of life. And even when we think we’ve left something behind, it usual resonates deep within us, adding weight that we choose not to pinpoint - but why? Surely this journey can be a bit lighter. Let’s acknowledge the weight, and then set it free.

Start by sitting still, or lying still – all that matters is that you are still, and free from distraction. Yes, including your cell phone – turn the ringer off!

Now focus your attention inward, allowing your thoughts to come zooming back from the Universe, and center in your heart. Let the essence of who you are shine, and feel the glow within your belly. Any part of yourself you gave to another person, or to the world – call it back to you. Your love, compassion, hurt, anger, joy, intimacy…all of it…welcome it all back home. Sit with those feelings, knowing you’re present and in your body…all of you.

Now, notice what thoughts and/or feelings arise. Listen carefully and allow yourself to feel it all, but as a third party. Look at your thoughts, and listen to your thoughts as an observer. If these were the thoughts and feelings of another person, how would you view them? Any differently than you would if you were emotionally tied to the thoughts and feelings? Probably, and you will most likely be able to be more rational with yourself, finding resolution to things that may have been left undone.

While you are here, noticing/observing yourself – take note of who you are. How have you been affected? What situations affect you? What makes you smile, cry, or scream? What makes you feel strong, or weak? Without the influence of other people’s opinions, or worldviews, what are your true desires? What does your heart sound like? Are there parts you would like to work on? Are there parts you can now proudly accept? Address your fears, doubts, and regrets head on – here is where you revoke their power. Now can you sit here and forgive yourself…love yourself?

Sit here and breathe in who you are. You are beautiful. You are unique. You are divine. You are love.


Saturday, October 1, 2011


Relationships, like all situations in life, offer opportunities to learn and grow. Sometimes the lessons are wrapped in petals, and other times the lessons seem to be all thorns. Either way, the most important element is choice - our choice to bloom, or wilt.

Recently I was told that we are entitled to walk away from relationships, guilt free, if we recognize the lessons within them. The choice is ours – it is our contract, and we say when it has been fulfilled. On the other hand, it may be the other person who wants to end the contract. Let them. Regardless of which side it has ended on…if it has ended, it has ended. See the lessons, and be thankful for whatever you learned. You have grown.

Love will undoubtedly linger, as it should – it doesn’t die, or adhere to direction.

Stay or go; we should act in love, always.

If what is being thrown at us isn’t loving, or we are not acting in love – back up. Be honest in your evaluation of the situation. Does your contract need to be altered, or has it reached its end? Were the lessons for you, or them – or both? We know in our hearts when a situation isn’t “good” for us. We know when we’re being unkind, simply because we have outgrown the situation. We know when it’s over.

Sometimes ‘goodbye’ is the loving thing to say.